How our trademark filing and registration service works
Step 1
- Complete the form below and checkout
Step 2
- We will classify your trademark into the most applicable class, unless you select to choose the class(es) yourself.
Step 3
- We will file your trademark on your behalf, and deal with each stage of the examination, publication and registration to ensure a smooth process
Our fees
Clear upfront pricing for the whole process
Such as brand name, product name or slogan. Example:
- The above includes both the official filing fees and our own professional fees for a single class trademark.
- $350 per additional class of trademark (if applicable)
Logo or Image
Such as a brand, company or product logo. Example:
- The above includes both the official filing fees and our own professional fees for a single class trademark.
- $350 per additional class of trademark (if applicable)
Word(s) and Logo
Such as a brand name and associated logo. Example:
- The above includes both the official filing fees and our own professional fees for a single class trademark.
- $500 per additional class of trademark (if applicable)