Become an All Access member and get

Legal questions answered by your Solicitor, unlimited online consultations & access to our cutting edge AI-powered services

for £95 p/m

Your Solicitor and AI Lawyer, on demand

Our membership includes the following services from our highly trained Solicitors and our groundbreaking AI trained system, for all individuals and small businesses


Unlimited Online Consults

with your Solicitor


Unlimited Questions


Unlimited AI


20% Off All Services

on our website

Unlimited online consultations

A more in-depth look

Unlimited online consultations

with your Solicitor, all year round.

We understand that often jumping on a quick call with your Solicitor is often all that is needed to answer a question or two that you may have. 

Rather than spend ages in sourcing a Solicitor, book your consult instantly on our platform, and get in touch with your Solicitor as often as is needed 20 minutes at a time.

Unlimited questions answered

A more in-depth look

Unlimited questions answers

to your written queries.


Queries you may have which you would prefer to ask in writing will be responded to by email by your Soicitor in the same business day, if questions are asked before 1PM UK time.


Unlimited AI services

A more in-depth look

Unlimited AI

to better manage your business legal needs.

  • In many instances entrepreneurs and businesses are provided with contracts which include clauses that they simply don’t understand. Our AI system will provide a simple plain english explanation of any number of clauses for you.
  • You can ask any short legal questions to our AI system, and it will provide a short concise answer.

20% off all services

A more in-depth look

20% Off
all services

on our website.


We have many amazing legal services listed on our website. Although already affordable, they just became so much more affordable to all our members.

Start your membership plan

and experience next level legal

Why Loft Legal?

How we are not the traditional archaic law firm

The traditional corporate legal world to us is both archaic and frustrating. For example, hourly rates cloaked in mystery, where bills are received by solicitors for every call, mail and passing thought. Customised stationery, frothy coffees, and impeccable high-rise buildings, the cost of which are always passed onto the client. Added to this, solicitors who are harder to get hold of than Boris Johnson himself.

For the above reasons, Loft Legal was born.

Further, our lawyers are, we believe, of the highest order, and as such we strive to have our legal services delivered to the highest standard so as to be THE online law firm for growing US and UK businesses.

Have a question?

Feel free to reach out to us

    Frequently asked

    Yes, it is a month to month contract and you can cancel at any time.